Dear Diary,
I think I now know what true happiness is.
Yah, something from the Pursuit of Happyness I think.
But I think I also now know what true disappointment is.
Happiness is a nice feeling. It starts somewhere from the chest, and it feels warm. This warmth travels to your throat, giving a unique feeling which cannot be expressed by words but undoubtedly pleasant. Yes, without a doubt. It sends sparks all over the body, making you want to do crazy stuff eg. handstands, cartwheel, ya. And I can only open my mouth without saying anything. I didn't want to damage my room though; therefore I contented myself with punching the wall. Several times, and just one small tiny insignificant cut on the fourth knuckle of my right hand. Yeah, I'm thick-skinned!
BUT, today I got disappointed. By my computer...that feeling of hope and anticipation, it was like a sea and cycnism seemed non-existent. However, the disappointment was overwhelming. Inundating. That hope just sank down and leaked away somewhere, bit by bit, and left a big space there, making you feel pretty much empty. The rest are used up in futile attempts for __________. Nothing, but perhaps I will find determination there when I wake up tomorrow.
I regret not doing my Chinese homework. It's due tomorrow and I don't feel like doing it. Worse, Mr Lawrence Tan set us, yes us 3-5, a GCE A-Level paper that I had no idea how to go about doing and just that is enough to drive me bonkers. And Nafizath set us 89-93 of the damn workbook. FOR GOODNESS' SAKE! WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST GIVE IT TO US ON THURSDAY SO WE COULD HAVE FINISHED IT ON MONDAY?! LIKE YOUR STUPID FILE CHECK IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR TIME!
I can't stand it anymore.
My computer's going to die of lack of battery anytime now, so bye.