Friday, February 13, 2009

HELL of a day!

The title says it all!
Well, I say I considered myself lucky for today, compared to some people (poor things). But band pract was...was...
I arrived after school at the band room after lunch with the ._. face. Neutral feelings. Yup. I passed the Lit worksheet to Dwayne in the toilet. Wonder if it's still there though, 'cos he told me later he lost it. Blearrh. So much for a good deed. Well, I still did a good deed anyway. Why am I deviating so much anyway? So, the band room was open, I put my shoes real neat outside and went in. (I'm quite glad they weren't kicked away though :]) SO, since Quintus erm, sort of misplaced his file somewhere but he was not really pissed about it since he memorised his parts and a bit of mine too.
So I photocopied spare scores for him. I'm not sure if he still owes me that 25 cents though, 'cos he got his file backed in the end anyway. Ezbon found it, I don't know where. But why, whywhywhywhywhyWHY has it got to be found DIRECTLY after I photocopied the scores and essentially wasting 25 cents? Maybe I should have got a library card to copy stuff since I saw that attempts, successful or futile, were made to fix that copier. Blame my laziness for assuming that the copier isn't working yet. It was just a little run up and down and some talking, I didn't know why I didn't bother :[
Then Ezbon found IT. Great timing, my dear junior.
Mr Glosz came after a while...low chromatics, ascending chromatics, WHEE!!!
Then Golden Jubileeeee! I dunno why, but I totally love this piece in combined. Playing it feels nice, way better than listening to it.
And Calwin just had to say something. Quintus played my bar 50 in the end lor. Shut up la Calwin. To just say that I'm worse than you is totally...anyway, if so, I would be playing 2nd trumpet, way easier than 2nd cornet. Blearrh.
When we were first introduced this piece, my kind senior decided that it would be good for me to play 2nd trumpet as 2nd cornet has so many semiquavers, it would be yan hua liao luan for me out of the kindness of his heart. Then you came and took my part, and I had to learn Golden Jubilee ALL OVER AGAIN. Might as well have started with 2nd cornet. (oh no quintus, I'm not sarcastic ARE a kind person after all, even if you can be super mean when you want to...)
Anyway, we started on the piece and I got a bit annoyed with myself for mispitching the bar 32-33, I think. It's totally idiotic, playing Csharp when its an Enatural there (not in concert pitch). My gosh, screwing up then was annoying. I think I prefer the old mouthpiece now, instead of the Heinstein one. Feels nicer, sounds nicer, and essentially, nicer.
"I'm starting to do your thing now!" Well, since I picked it up from my dear SL, I got it and it became a bit of a habit. Guess this kind of thing can be contagious...
Anyway, 'cos I cannot play my part because of that stupidstupidstupidSTUPID "suggestion" that Calwin made, I was feeling really emo. Then, at that point of time, I decided that I should learn from my dear ASL! I shall learn to be as stone as him in combined. But with my mind still there, just control only. Seriously, I dunno how Ronald does it la. TEACH ME LEH -.- Oh yes, like that Quintus might as well play my 162+ also la. Why didn't you bring that up, you smirking-erm, PERSON? Damn it la, I can play my part properly.One day, it'll be always--no. it's already come. I'll totally PWN you one fine day la.
Ps: Calwin count properly la -.-
And Levine! You friggin flirtatious f--um, person, focus on your own Valentine la. I'll definitely win you one. Hmph!

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