Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The First Post.

This is the first post, yesyesyes. So I think I'll start of with a bit of not-so-literary drama. And yes, I feel increasingly retarded by the day and am paranoid about almost anything I do =(
Mediocre Second Shakespeare: What a nice day!!! Thunder is booming and lightning is flashing overhead. Thunderclaps shake the sky every once in a while and the hell out of the birds--just hear them chirping and chittering in fright.And now the rain pours buckets from the high heavens and just listen to the music!!! How very sweet the sound!!! The raindrops make a regular heavy drumbeat of rat-tat-tat-tat-tat by slamming the shit out of themselves like sheets of metal against the surfaces!!! The trees sway and dance in the cool gale. I feel like dancing too!The rain pours on me, giving me a very good cooling shower. Ahhh...I feel rejuvenated, already! I wonder if the sun will feel the same way when he steps out from the shower with a towel wrapped around him and...
Sun (peeks out from behind shower curtain): Now that's quite enough from you
Mediocre Second Shakespeare: ...and the sun is coming out!!! Hi Sun!!! Are you ready to shine on us in all your blistering glory...or is it that you just haven't dressed properly yet?
Oh no...he's dead...and the Sun is going to be on the papers for murder the next day...And so the Sun did.

1 comment:

  1. Gg, ms nafizath our teacher this year. I know i am a decade over late but hey, i guess we do share the same woes


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